Why subscribe to Bruce's You Tube? We are excited to announce the launch of Bruce's You Tube Channel! On Tuesdays and Fridays (and sometimes in between) we'll be uploading new videos. *each video veiw on YouTube helps fund new adventure possibilities for Bruce and YOU! *Click the notification bell and get notifications with each new video release or YouTube LIVE! *learn about and enter contest only available on YouTube!
~Adventures: Kayaking, hunting, fishing, how to videos and more...... ~Cooking: Bruce's Front Porch Cooking Show! Catchin' and Cookin' videos with ingredients, recipes and more...... ~Product Reviews and unboxing! Bruce will be unboxing FB family packages and also new products, showing you how they work and providing info on them!
Click here if you're interested in sending bruce your product to review!
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Here are some of bruce's latest you tube videos
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